Abriendo Mentes is a registered charity in the USA under the name Guanacaste Literacy.
Our EIN is 27-1427847. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Imagine if, instead of giving a donation that subsidizes a one time programmatic activity, your gift could actually be a catalyst - an investment into the sustainability of Abriendo Mentes programming not just once, but continually - reaching far into the future.
Your one time gift will be a strategic investment into a social enterprise model that will allow Abriendo Mentes to continually generate its own earned revenue and build a sustainable source of funding.
With your support, Abriendo Mentes will incubate and invest in the launch of a viable social business model with the aim to generate a surplus, which will be directly reinvested into our core programming, to ensure we can meet our impact goals, and most importantly, meet the needs of the community members we work alongside every day.
as a catalyst for sustainable impact on the lives of local community members in rural Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Checks can be sent to:
Guanacaste Literacy
3310 Crosspark Lane
Houston, TX 77007
*Please add a memo "Social Enterprise"